How 1826 Patton Dr. came to be


When I opened Salon 105 a little over 5 years ago I never had the intention of out growing the space or even ever leaving it. The building means a lot to me as my family put everything we had into it & a lot of heart. But my team kept organically growing and next thing I knew we didn’t have enough space. I then realized it was time for a bigger salon. I had my eyes set on a location for a while but had a reservation about pulling the trigger. I looked at several other locations as possible opportunities but decided to go forward with my original plan. I met with the landlord and was finalizing details and planning to sign the lease within the next few days, when on a Friday I got a phone call that he decided to go with a different tenant. I was so bummed. I felt like I was letting my team down because we desperately needed a bigger space and fast. The next day I was doing a good clients hair and filling her in about what had happened and she said “you should talk to my boyfriend, him and his dad own commercial land in Mahomet and are contractors, they might be able to hook you up.”

Next thing I know I’m chatting with a development company about designing my own building and salon and bringing my vision to life. Not only did I get to design it but I also was given the opportunity to own the location as well, which is ideal instead of renting. This situation was a dream come true, and what I thought was a bummer of losing out of that first location turned into the biggest blessing. One door closing led to the right door opening.

For about a year we carefully customized our schedules so that 10 stylists could work in my tiny but mighty 5 chair salon. The 10 of us worked so well together and got so close. I can honestly say they’re my family and I love them all dearly. We’ve been very cramped and at times inconvenienced but not one of the stylists complained. My team is the most deserving of this beautiful space we’re about to enter. It’s been built around patience, grace, love, laughter, and a whole lot of excitement. I cannot wait for our first day together in the new salon space and years and years ahead.

xoxo Kelsie